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We are publishing the speech of the secretary and co-founder  of the Deafblind Association  of Slovenia DLAN and the president of the Rotary Club Ljubljana Barje 2022/2023 dr. Simona Gerenčer.

Charity event Deafblindness among us – Together we are stronger, June 17, 2023, Pogačar Square Ljubljana.
Rotary club Ljubljana-Barje – the Deafblind Association  of Slovenia DLAN

As a majority in society, we have an extremely great privilege: we hear and see. As a result, we can freely talk, sing, write, get involved in society, and have fun. We simply understood and are understood.

What about people with deafblindness, people who cannot see and hear at the same time?

Life has bestowed upon us a remarkable gift – the ability to see and hear – and it comes with a profound purpose: to extend a helping hand to those who were not granted this privilege. As a compassionate society and individuals, let us stand together in solidarity, ensuring that every person enjoys their fundamental human rights. In doing so, we will not only uplift those in need but also enrich ourselves collectively.

The boundary that separates mainstream society from the society of deafblind is incredibly delicate. It prompts us to question whether we could be part of the majority today or perhaps in the near future. Life has the extraordinary power to transform our circumstances in the blink of an eye, leaving us forever changed. Our destiny lies in the hands of life itself, and in its mysterious ways, it shapes our journey.