[ A+ ] /[ A- ]

Enoročna abeceda (One-handed alphabet)

Daktilni znaki na dlani (One-handed alphabet touching signs in the palm of your hand)

Lormova abeceda (Lorm’s alphabet)

Pingvin – promocijsko stojalo Združenja DLAN (Promotional Stand of The Deafblind Association of Slovenia DLAN)

Zloženka Kaj je gluhoslepota? (Leaflet What is Deafblindness?)

Zbornik predavanj Prve EDbU konference v Sloveniji (Proceedings of lectures of  the First EDbU Conference in Slovenia)

Položaj gluhoslepih v Sloveniji (The position of the deafblind in Slovenia (professional article))

Analiza stanja gluhoslepote v evropskih državah s predlogi za izenačevanje možnosti gluhoslepih (An analysis of the deafblindness situation in European countries with proposals to equalize the possibilities of the deafblind)

Zloženka Združenja gluhoslepih Slovenije DLAN (Leaflet of the Deafblind Association of Slovenia DLAN )

Brošura Sem oseba z gluhoslepoto in potrebujem prevajalca za gluhoslepe (Brochure I’m a deafblind person and I need a translator for the deafblind)

Javni posvet o novem nacionalnem programu za jezikovno politiko – prispevki (Public consultation on the new national language policy program – contributions)

Socialno delo, letnik 56 (2017), št. 3 (Social Work, Year 56 (2017), no. 3)

Intervju z dr. Simono Gerenčer Pegan
– Včasih gluhoslepi naredijo vse,
samo da bi bili s človekom,
s katerim lahko komunicirajo – 235 (Interview with dr. Simona Gerenčer Pegan – Sometimes the deafblind do their best just to be with a person, with whom they can communicate – 235)

Zloženka OSEBNA ASISTENCA (Leaflet: Personal Asistance for people with deafblindness)

Zloženka Osebna asistenca ljudem z gluhoslepoto v angleškem jeziku

(Leaflet: Personal Asistance for people with deafblindness in English)

Zloženka Osebna asistenca ljudem z gluhoslepoto v zvočnem zapisu (2023)

(Leaflet: Personal Asistance for people with deafblindness- audio recording 2023)