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Ljubljana, 8. 11. 2022 – The Deafblind Association of  Slovenia DLAN organized press conference in premises of the Municipality with purpose of presenting proposal of the Act on regulation of the status and rights of persons with deafblindness. Speakers presented everyday hardships of people with deafblindness and solutions from the Bill. They also pointed out the importance of constructive cooperation between stakeholders in the legal regulation of the area and stressed that in the past few days government representatives had confirmed that the Government of Republic of Slovenia will regulate the status of persons with deafblindness as a priority.

Those who were present at the event were addressed by Vinko Trinkaus, who is a person with deafblindness, dr. Simona Gerenčer ( the secreary of The  Association DLAN), the state councilor Danijel Kastelic, dr. Iztok Seljak ( the representative of supporters of the Association DLAN Lions, Rotary ect.) and lawyer Matija Urankar (Law firm Senica and partners, which prepared the Bill).

Vinko Trinukaus presented hardships and needs of people with deafblindness with help of a personal assistent. In his speech he said that for everyday chores he needs help of a support person and an interpreter for the language of the deafblind, which is currently provided to him by teh  Association DLAN. With appropriate help, he is able to live independently, because he does not want to live in institutuonal care.

Dr. Simona Gerenčer presented the operation and international involment of The Association DLAN and everday problems faced by people with deafblindness. She stressed that the state must take active care of the deafblind. Dr. Iztok Seljak on behalf of the charitable organizations Lions, Rotary and others, highlighted social responsibility to regulate the status of people with deafblindness.

Danijel Kastelic highlighted the constructive cooperation of representatives of the civil and professional public, which took place in the National Council at the public consulation on deafblindness.  On November 16,  2022 they will decide on the proposal of the Government to regulate the status and rights of persons with deafblindness.

At the end speaker Matija Urankar presented implementation of the right of freely use and development of the language of the deafblind persons. He also said that the state has a positive duty to regulate the status of persons with deafblindness.

The event was coordinated by Valentina Plaskan.


Recording of the event is also available at this link: https://we.tl/t-o4yTK0QTyt

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Tiskovna konferenca: predstavitev predloga Zakona o ureditvi statusa in pravic oseb z gluhoslepoto