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Presentation of new publications to DLAN users.
We were proud to present to our users the new publications published in 2023 in the field of deafblindness. We especially presented the booklets that we are translating within the Erasmus+ project together with the Danish organization Døvblindhed og høretab, Specialsektoren, Region Nordjylland. We also presented adapted publications in Braille, audio, and easy reading.
We want publications in the field of deafblindness to reach as many readers as possible so that we can raise the quality of our work with people with deafblindness.

That is why we also talked about the role of DLAN, the Deafblind Association of Slovenia, not only in Slovenia but also internationally. At the same time, we also talked about the important role of each one of us.

Together we can do more.

Ljubljana, 18.1.2024