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“People with deafblindness have their own language, based on touch. The tactile language of the deafblind is essential for the equal inclusion of people with deafblindness in society, so the right of the deafblind to publicly use their language and the right to an interpreter for people with deafblindness must also be regulated. Professional support to a child with deafblindness and his family in the educational process or from birth is also extremely important. “

Thus, experts from the fields of linguistics, pedagogy, deafblindness and the rights of persons with disabilities concluded at the round-table discussion The language of people with deafblindness, which took place on the International Mother Language Day, February 21, 2020 at City Hall in Ljubljana.

Professor dr. Marko Stabej, Slovenian linguist and lecturer at the Department of Slovene Studies at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Ljubljana, confirmed: ​​» Lastly is belief that language becomes a language when it has grammar and a dictionary. The language is standardized so that people communicate with it. The language of the deafblind is a special language that we need to spread together. «