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“The path I walk is mine to shape as I wish. Every day I can leave my mark and spread love. It is not hard to be human.” (Nika Jurc, person with deafblindness).


You are kindly invited to the Open Day of the Deafblind Association of Slovenia DLAN on 22 April 2024 at 10 am.
10.00 Introduction to the event, musical item with Luka Markus
10.04 Welcome speech by Helena Petrovčič, President of DLAN
10.07 Speech by Dr Simona Gerenčer, Secretary of the DLAN Association
10.15 Welcome speech by Ms Tina Gaber, Ambassador for the Rights of People with Deafblindness
10.18 Music item with Luka Markus Stajer
10.22 Start of the main part of the programme “Step into our story” (stories of people with deafblindness): Anton Polutnik, Tanja Glušič, Nika Jurc,
Zvezdana Matičić and Vinko Trinkaus.

A sculpture workshop led by Jernej Maučec and group creative workshops for people with deafblindness will be held simultaneously. At 12.00 pm, the programme ends and a banquet is served.
Listen to the stories of people with deafblindness and admire their skills.
Come for POWER.



Ljubljana, 19. 4. 2024