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Združenje DLAN - Okrogla miza z novinarsko konferenco: Predlog zakona o uporabi jezika gluhoslepih


The Deafblind Association of Slovenia DLAN, in cooperation with the Faculty of Social Work of the University of Ljubljana, organised a round table with a press conference to present the Draft Law on the Use of the Language of the Deafblind, which will be in public hearing until 3 May 2024. Participants: – Assoc. prof. dr. Mojca Urek, Dean of the Faculty of Social Work of the University of Ljubljana; – Assoc. dr. Dr. Vera Grebenc, Head of the Chair for Community Mental Health, Faculty of Social Work, University of Ljubljana; – Matija Urankar, expert in constitutional and administrative law (Senica Law Firm); – Miha Lobnik, Equality Advocate; – Boštjan Vernik Šetinc, Advisor to the Equality Advocate; – Simona Gerenčer, PhD, Assistant Professor, Secretary General of DLAN; – Ana Jeran, Master of Law. The event was moderated by Prof. Dr. Darja Zaviršek, Chair of the Department of Social Inclusion and Equity at the Faculty of Social Work, University of Ljubljana.


Video: Dominik Čepon



Ljubljana, 23. 4. 2024