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Act on Payment of the Assistance and Attendance Allowance

On 23 July 2021, the Act on Payment of the Assistance and Attendance Allowance (ZINDPP) was published in the Official Gazette of Republic of Slovenia, establishing equality between recipients of childcare allowance and recipients of assistance and care allowance.

It follows from the above that you, parents of children with vision impairments, are entitled to the assistance and care allowance and to the childcare allowance. In practice, however, you had to decide to exercise one of these rights.

The said Act provides for the payment of an allowance for assistance and care allowance to persons who were not entitled to this right because they received childcare allowance under the Parental Protection and Family Benefits Act.

Based on ZINDPP, people with vision impairments who were insured under another insured person of the Pension and Disability Insurance Institute of Slovenia, if at any time in the period between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2016 in accordance with ZPIZ-1 and ZPIZ-2 meet the conditions for acquiring the right to assistance and care allowance, but did not receive it because one of the parents or another person received childcare allowance, get pay out an amount of 300 euros for each month they were meeting the conditions.

The right to the payment of unpaid assistance and care allowance is exercised at the Pension and Disability Insurance Institute of Slovenia on the basis of an application, within one year from the entry into force of this Act.

The application is not available yet.

Amendment to the Pension and Disability Insurance Act – the right to disability benefits for physical disability

An amendment to the Pension and Disability Insurance Act (ZPIZ-2) came into force, which again enables the right to disability benefits for physical disability to those insured persons whose disability does not result from work, ie physical disability is the result of injury outside work and illness.

In case you meet the conditions (a certain type and degree of physical disability according to the list of physical disabilities – Self-government agreement on the list of physical disabilities (Official Gazette SFRJ, NO. 38/38 AND 66/89), and that the physical disability occurred during insurance) you can apply for disability benefits.

The request for recognition of the right can be submitted by the personal doctor or the beneficiary himself (and his legal representative or proxy, where the request is accompanied by appropriate medical documentation, which must be certified by a personal doctor – if not submitted in the original) at the Pension and Disability Insurance Institute (the opinion on the existence and type or degree of physical impairment is given by the ZPIZ disability commission, on the basis of which the institution decides on the right by a decision). The deadline for issuing a decision on the existence of a physical disability and on the right to disability benefits is four months from the day the procedure was initiated.

Disability benefits are paid from the first day of the month following the application and for a maximum of six months.


If you have any questions or need help, you can contact us at 040 558 832 or zdruzenje.dlan@gmail.com or in person at the premises of the DLAN Association, every day between 8.00 and 16.00, except on Tuesdays between 10.00 and 18.00.