At The Deafblind Association of Slovenia DLAN we are training people with deafblindness to use the haptic method of communication, which is developed, as the first in Slovenia, by the working group for the development of haptic communication within The deafblind Association of Slovenia DLAN and The Association of Deafblind Interpreters of Slovenia TAKTIL. The participants are extremely interested and willing to learn. They confirm, among other things, that we have a great need and demand for specially trained specialists to work with the deaf-blind and interpreters for the deafblind, who master many ways of communicating with the deafblind.
At the same time, we are looking forward to the publication of the first part of the book “Haptični način sporazumevanja z ljudmi z gluhoslepoto” (Haptic Method of Communicating with People with Deafblindness), which was created with the help of the deafblind and will be published in October 2019.