At the DLAN association we celebrated Christmas together with the members of the association. We spent the day singing Christmas songs and telling stories. We also socialised with deaf guests from Ukraine and the Czech Republic. We introduced them to the field of deafblindness and the DLAN Association.
As a token of our appreciation for the enjoyable time together, we have given them books: The World in the Palm of Your Hand: the Language of the Deafblind at the entry into the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia – reprint (2022) (Svet na dlani: Jezik gluhoslepih ob vpisu v Ustavo RS), Stories of people with Deafblindness (2020), The Haptic Way of Communicating with People with Deafblindness – updated edition (2022) (Haptični način sporazumevanja z ljudmi z gluhoslepoto), and The Haptic Way of Communicating with People with Deafblindness II (2020) (Haptični način sporazumevanja z ljudmi z gluhoslepoto II). We have also given them USB flash drive on which we added book Stories of people with deafblindness (Zgodbe ljudi z gluhoslepoto) in Slovene Sign Language (2021). All of the books are in both Slovenian and English languages, making them understandable to foreigners.