On the occasion of the European Deafblind Day, celebrated on the 22 of October 2022, The Deafblind Association of Slovenia DLAN, organised an event at the association headquarters on the 20 of October 2022. At the event we thanked the volunteers, donors and to all supporters who have shown their support to people with deafblindness and The Association DLAN for many years.
People with deafblindness expressed their great appreciation to everyone present with an artistic performance they had prepared for this special day. They also presented new book editions produced by The Deafblind Association of Slovenia DLAN in close cooperation with them:
- Reprint of the book The World in the palm: the Language of the Deafblind (Svet na DLANI: Jezik gluhoslepih), published in 2021 on the occasion of the entry of the language of the deafblind in the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia, and which describes the language of the deafblind – a language based on touch – and its journey.
- The book The right to be a human: Scientific papers for the 16th anniversary of The Deafblind Association of Slovenia DLAN (Pravica biti človek: Zbornik ob 16-letnici delovanja Združenja gluhoslepih Slovenije DLAN), which presents the activities of the association from its foundation in 2005 to the present day, as well as the difficult path traveled together with people with deafblindness and the process of their liberation. The book was also published in adapted formats, in braille and audio recording.
- An updated edition of the book Haptic Communication with people with deafblindness I (Haptični način sporazumevanja z ljudmi z gluhoslepoto I) has also been published, which contains 130 haptic signs designed to complement communication with people with deafblindness and are fully adapted to the Slovenian environment.
These and many other book publications produced and being produced by The Deafblind Association of Slovenia DLAN, are very valuable and represent a great contribution to Slovenian culture and to the enrichment of professionalism in the field of deafblindness.
The draft law on the regulation of the status and rights of people with deafblindness, which we presented a few days ago at the consultation in the National Council, is now ready. By passing the law, we want to ensure that all people with deafblindness have provided human rights and full, equal lives and integration in society.
On the occasion of the European Deafblind Day, we were welcomed by dr. Milan Brglez, member of the European Parliament, who has been accompanying people with deafblindness for many years.
The participants were also addressed by the adviser to the president of the Republic of Slovenia, Vlasta Nussdorfer, state secretary of the prime minister’s office, Nataša Sax, secretary of NSIOS, mag. Mojca Vaupotič, Ms. Tanja Šubelj, Mr. Matija Urankar from the Senica law firm and the governor of Lions Slovenia, Mr. Radovan Pušnar.
At this important event, we also expressed our gratitude to the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities (Ministrstvo za delo, družino, socialne zadeve in enake možnosti), the Foundation for the financing of Disabled and Humanitarian Organisations (Fundacija za financiranje invalidskih in humanitarnih organizacij) and the Municipality of Ljubljana (Mestna občina Ljubljana), which have supported and enabled the operation of The Association DLAN for many years, and to the Ministry of Culture (Ministrstvo za kulturo), which co-finances the project Books, accessible to people with deafblindness, thus enabling the publication of adaptations of publications in Braille, audio recording and easy reading.
European Deafblind Day is celebrated on the 22 of October, since 2018 at the initiative of the EDbU (European Deafblind Union), which has been striving for many years for the full social inclusion of people with deafblindness in all European countries. European Deafblind Day is about making people with deafblindness heard in public, and being especially active in making society actively aware and informed about deafblindness, their needs and abilities.
With constant professional support, people with deafblindness in Slovenia are constantly proving that they are capable, successful, versatile and very talented, which can be seen again and again in the close cooperation with them and in various art-works that are created by their hands.
You are kindly invited to listen to the interview given to RTV SLO by Dr. Simona Gerenčer, secretary of The Association DLAN, on the link below: