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The group of people with deafblindness is extremely diverse, which is why The Deafblind Association of Slovenia DLAN takes into account the individual needs of an individual when communicating and interpreting.

The recording, made on the recording of the show with singer Stane Vidmar, shows interpretation in several ways of communication and also several ways of receiving information by people with deafblindness. Right next to the singer, the lyrics of the song are interpreted into Slovene sign language, individual companions, or interpreters for the deafblind interpret individually for the individual by using his own method of communication. People with deafblindness receive information through tactile sign language, located sign language, and typing in large bold letters on the computer. Two people with complete deafblindness receive additional information (visual description of the environment) on their back, shoulder and upper arm with a haptic way of communicating that requires an additional, different interpreter per individual. Deafblind people, who still have some remnants of one or the other sense, rely on it and thus receive information either by listening to loud speech, or by reading from the lips, or by watching sign language up close.

The presented methods of communication were also combined with handwriting, one-handed alphabet, tactile two-handed alphabet, tactile one-handed alphabet, and dactyl signs on the palm, which unfortunately is not seen in the video.


Ganljivi trenutki v življenju so tisti, ki štejejo. In prav ti bogatijo življenje vsakega posameznika. Hvaležna sem za to, da lahko s svojimi dejanji prispevam v dobrobit Ljudi, ki to potrebujejo. Hvala vsem, s katerimi ustvarjamo in pišemo pozitivne zgodbe. ❤️

Gepostet von Simona Gerenčer Pegan am Donnerstag, 12. September 2019