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Between March 28 and 30, representatives of the Deafblind Association of Slovenia DLAN have participated in mobility in Budapest, Hungary, as part of the Erasmus+ project entitled ”Learning through touch”.

In the Hungarian national Deafblind Association, Siketvakok Országos Egyesülete, they presented us their organization, the various programs and services they provide for people with deafblindness in Hungary, and their own role in the organization.

The mobility was mainly aimed at gaining new professional knowledge in the field of deafblindness and various methods of communication that can be used for effective learning and communication with and among the people with deafblindness. We got to know augmentative and alternative communication in greater detail. We were also presented with different methods of communications in practice per se, through various experiential workshops. Through the consideration of concrete examples from practice, we had opportunity to learn more about how to develop a complex communication system with children and adults with deafblindness.

As well, we have met with the president of the organization and vice-president of the European Deafblind  Union (EDbU), Mr. Tamás Gangl. Our meeting was mainly devoted to the comparison of the situation in the field of deafblindness in Hungary and Slovenia, as well as the possibilities for future’s cooperation.

We sincerely thank Mrs. Dorottya Királyhida and Mr. Tamás Gangl for their cooperation in the project and for the all provided expertise and experiences. We would also like to thank the rest of the team that was there for us.