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But life is not a fairy tale. You have to know how to live, respect and love it. One can find happiness on one’s own. My decision for everyday life is to be happy and optimistic.

Janko Plesec (Stories of people who listen with their heart and see with their palms: Living with Deafblindness) 


With great pleasure and pride, we announce the publication of the Russian and English translations of the book The stories of people who listen with the heart and see with the palms: Living with Deafblindness. The book presents individual stories of people with deafblindness and is extremely important for the Slovenian space, as it is the first author’s literary work under which people with deafblindness have signed.

We truly thank the translators and designer for the excellent work done and all the contributors who contributed to making the book accessible to such a wide range of readers.

The book is available in printed form in four languages (Slovenian, Serbian, English and Russian), in audio format and in electronic form.