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The Deafblind Association of Slovenia DLAN is happy and proud to present the video New Day – New Opportunities, which presents the diversity of deafblindness and how diversely people with deafblindness are spending their days in quarantine.

This video is proof of what people with deafblindness are able to do if they are provided with appropriate individual professional support and help, if they are understood and they understand. For the latter to happen, people with deafblindness must be guaranteed the right to the language of the deafblind, allowed to have their own culture, the culture of the deafblind and their own independent organization – the organization The Association DLAN. Deafblindness is an independent, specific disability that requires a professional approach that is perfectly adapted to each individual person with deafblindness.

Only when a person with deafblindness is enabled and provided with all of this, we can talk about an individual’s personal development, progress, growth, and outstanding accomplishments that push the boundaries of the possible.

You are kindly invited to watch the video.